Hello.  I made a module.  It's at
(for now).

This is what it does (see its pod for more):

       Works like URI::Find, but is prepared for URIs in your text to be
       wrapped in a pair of delimiters and optionally have a title. This will
       be useful for processing text that already has some minimal markup in
       it, like bulletin board posts or wiki text.

         my $finder = URI::Find::Wrapped->new;
         my $text = "This is a [http://the.earth.li/ titled link].";
         print $text;

My questions for you:

 - How does it look?

 - Is there a better name for it?

 - Anyone feel like sending documentation patches and/or extra tests?

 - Any suggestions for getting the following test to pass? (At the moment
   it fails because the trailing ']' is getting assumed to be the end of
   the URL; I'm using ($close_re?) to match the closing delimiter because
   I don't want to force it to be there.  What I really want is something
   that can force it to be there if and only if the opening delimiter was
   found, but I'm not allowed to do variable-width look-behind assertions.)


use Test::More tests => 1;
use URI::Find::Wrapped;

my $finder = URI::Find::Wrapped->new;
my $text = "[http://use.perl.org/]";;
is( $text, qq|[<a href="http://use.perl.org/";>http://use.perl.org/</a>]|,
    "wrapped URIs are found even if no title" );



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