On Tuesday 4 February 2003 12:03am, Kate L Pugh wrote:

>  - Any suggestions for getting the following test to pass? (At the moment
>    it fails because the trailing ']' is getting assumed to be the end of
>    the URL; I'm using ($close_re?) to match the closing delimiter because
>    I don't want to force it to be there.  What I really want is something
>    that can force it to be there if and only if the opening delimiter was
>    found, but I'm not allowed to do variable-width look-behind assertions.)

Does it work if, in find(), you replace

    $$r_text =~ s{$prefix_re   # maybe don't match things preceded by a "
                  ($open_re?)  # opening wrapping marker
                  ($uriRe)     # the URI itself
                  ([ \t]*)     # optional whitespace between URI and title
                  ((?<=[ \t])[^\n$close_re]+)? # title if there was whitespace
                  ($close_re?) # closing wrapping marker


    $$r_text =~ s{$prefix_re   # maybe don't match things preceded by a "
                     ($open_re)   # opening wrapping marker
                     ($uriRe)     # the URI itself
                     ([ \t]*)     # optional whitespace between URI and title
                     ((?<=[ \t])[^\n$close_re]+)? # title if there was whitespace
                     ($close_re)  # closing wrapping marker
                     ()           # no opening wrapping marker
                     ($uriRe)     # the URI itself
                     ([ \t]*)     # optional whitespace between URI and title
                     ((?<=[ \t])[^\n$close_re]+)? # title if there was whitespace
                     ()           # no closing wrapping marker


\|/GET| Dave Hinton
-/SOME| Battersea, London, England 
/SLEEP| http://thereaction.co.uk/dah

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