On Mon 03 Feb, Chris Heathcote wrote:

> Can anyone suggest an online web photo organiser, like yapi(2), but
> that doesn't require Template Toolkit and other shenanigans? I'm
> trying to install on my webspace at he.net, so no root stuff.
> Otherwise, how to install TT as non-root would be F.A.B.

Does this from http://www.he.net/faq/cgi.html cover what you want to do?

>Is LWP installed?
>You are welcome to install your own set of additional modules.
>When you build modules, use the PREFIX option when generating Makefiles:
>perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/mydir/perl
>then either set the PERL5LIB environment variable before you run scripts
>that use the  modules/libraries (see the perlrun manpage) or say:
>use lib '/home/mydir/perl';
eg I have in a script on my he site:

# Get the appropriate modules
# This is required for Hurricane Electric where I am adding modules
use lib '/home/hrothgar/perl'; 

It seems to work ... (The disadvantage is that files put there form part of
one's storage quota .)

HE used to be very cheap compared with UK sites and was often recommended
on London PM. The prices charged by http://www.OneandOne.co.uk (from 29
quid) for managed/root "dedicated" servers now appear to be rather better
value. Are they, or is there a snag? 

Roger H.
Roger Horne
11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3QB

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