On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Mark Fowler wrote:

> May I suggest if your email account has arbitrary restrictions on the
> content it accepts that you find a replacement account to subscribe from?

I beleive that for appropriate donations, you can even get an account on a
machine very closely located to the list itself.  In the interim, to
appease your local stasi branch, you can turn off mail delivery (which
still keeps you subscribed) and read mail on the website as listed below,
or you can set it to digest mode, so you get a whole days worth of
obscenities in one mail, rather than having to get dozens of mails
approved each day.

> > So, was it good, the stuff I missed ?
> For people who have had problems getting mail for any reason, the full
> archive is available online here: http://london.pm.org/pipermail/london.pm/

the hatter

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