On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 03:04:29PM +0000, nemesis wrote:
> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > 
> > Second, why anyone still uses MySQL on a new installation now that
> > PostgreSQL has surpassed it and gone on to being a "baby Oracle",
> > while MySQL plays "catch up", I can't figure out.
> I heard/read somewhere that although MySQL lacks the features of PostgreSQL, it 
> is just faster for simpler operations.  Maybe it isn't.

It used to be. MySQL was so fast historically, because it wasn't really a
database (Real Programmers Don't Need Referential Integrity and all that 
nonsense) but rather an SQL interface to a flat file. When the MySQL people
started to realise that they needed to add real database features, the gap 
between PostgreSQL and MySQL narrowed. The last time I looked at it,
PG was a little faster than My, but there wasn't a lot in it.

Given the lack of speed difference, PG is infinitely preferable to My,
at least in my little world.


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