Given the lack of speed difference, PG is infinitely preferable to My,
at least in my little world.
That's what I thought, so I set about installing Pg the other day. Four hours later I'd changed by mind :-(.

Maybe I'm just getting old but I find installing large software packages gets harder and harder as time goes on. I put this down to me using Solaris and everyone increasingly assuming Linux, and not testing other platforms much. I'm no longer interested in spending days posting messages to newsgroups just to get a bit of software built :-|. Especially if it involves Java.

Same goes for Apache2.x, sadly. configure dies with stupid errors like "your c compiler can't produce binaries". They want to re-write that as "this configure program can't work out how to use your c compiler, even though all the other configure programs seem to manage it just fine".

[grumbles, boots win2k] ;)

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, +44 (0)20 7383 6092

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