On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:45:52PM +0100, Robin Berjon said:
> Do you want to transcode common entities or do you want to flatten out accents? 
> If the former, what you're looking for is likely to be HTML::Entities. If it's 
> the latter then I'm also convinced that there is such a beast on CPAN, and I 
> dimly remember it being in the Text:: namespace but I can't find it either. I 
> recall that that operation has a name, but I can't seem to remember it...

I want to flatten accents.

I could do this my self by 

1. Convert to HTML::Entites
2. Having a big'ol RegExp that maps certain entities to characters
3. converting other stuff back

but that seems like a big hack.

the test for truth is still quicker than the addition

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