On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:21:16AM +0000, Leon Brocard wrote:
> This email got sent to the YAPC::Europe committee mailing list. I
> thought I'd share it all with you. It's slightly worrying that USians
> are taking it personally.
> FWIW my reply was "YAPC is a non-political organisation and run by
> volunteers".
> Subject: [yapc-comm] Meeting Location
> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 04:18:44 -0500
> It's a shame that YAPC will exclude many potential attendees by being held 
> in a country that has so soon forgotten how the western allies went to war 
> to free THEM from tyranny and oppression in WW II, and now flaunts itself 
> against those very allies when they are attempting to disarm yet another 
> ruthless tyrant.
[more drivel snipped]

I'm amazed how many USians seem to forget the role that France played
in freeing us from evil and still want to hold WWII over them.
Shouldn't we just call it even?

I'm much more worried about our ruthless tyrant than I am about any

Consider yourself lucky if the moron who wrote the above doesn't show

"They had fangs, they were biting people, they had this look in their eyes:
 pure arrogance. I think they were young Republicans."  BtVS - the movie

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