On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 03:19:54PM +0100, Philip Newton wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2003 at 10:41, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:
> >   Hello Andy.
> >   I think that there is more list members having the same question: what is
> > an... an... 'umlaut'?
> Either one of : ? ? ? (in German), or the diacritical mark ? used in
> forming those letters. (Also called "diaeresis", especially when it
> marks the letter as pronounced separately [as in Spanish or French]
> rather than marking a change of pronunciation [as in Swedish or
> German].)

Just looking for advice - what is the best way to insert accent characters
when you don't have a european keyboard?
(ie. assuming i'm just using vim with a standard US or UK keyboard)

It's something that's bothered me for a while. I vaguely recall that MS Word
95 had a way to do it by hitting ctrl-[:'/\^] and then the vowel, but it'd be
good to be able to do the same in vim.

(Note: I haven't used word properly for a very long time, so my memory may be


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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