* Rhys Hopkins <rhysh at aerotech-eu.net> [2003-03-07 12:00]:
> In my reference book (Perl & XML by Ray & McIntosh) it clearly states
> that one can use object methods as handlers to avoid this global
> variable scenario. However, the book and the XML::Parser manpage fail
> to give specific examples as to how this is accomplished, and when I
> try I encounter problems.

You can pass anonymous subroutines that contain references to your
object as the handlers.  For example:

  package My::XML::Thing;


  sub parse {
      my $self = shift;
      my $parser = XML::Parser->new(Handlers => {
          Start => sub { $self->parse_start_field(@_) },
          Char  => sub { $self->parse_char_field(@_) },


The handlers for Start and Char are closures, and contain a reference to
your object (in $self).


A good magician never reveals his secret; the unbelievable trick
becomes simple and obvious once it is explained. So too with UNIX.

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