Dominic Mitchell wrote:
Rhys Hopkins wrote:

So which is true ?

a) Messrs Ray and McIntosh are lying to me
b) I am missing something obvious
c) I am missing something non-obvious

c. You should be looking at XML::SAX for this kind of thing. It's effectively an OO layer around XML::Parser (and also several other parsers, such as the nifty XML::LibXML).

Actually it's not so much an OO wrapper as it is an interoperable API that makes it trivial to plug anything into anything else. There is also a SAX wrapper around XML::Parser called XML::SAX::Expat but it doesn't expose too much of XML::Parser's quirks (on purpose).

XML::Parser is on a slow but certain deprecation slope. It is highly recommended that new projects forget about its existence.

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Research Engineer, Expway
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