On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 19:24, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> So I was on IRC today, and someone (feel free to name yourself) was
> talking about how cool it would be to have perlforge / perl
> breadbasked / oyster bed (as you can see we got into naming). Anyway
> whatever it would be called it would be a repository of Perl apps,
> such as Siesta, NMS, etc. As is often the way with such subjects 
> discussion ensued, and someone else mentioned that scripts/ exists
> on CPAN. 

CPAN does have a reputation as a module repository. A concerted effort
to push applications wouldn't be a bad thing.

Playing devils advocate, why would it be cool ? Are you pitching this at
perl community people or the "outside world" ?

What would it's *purpose*  be ?

> Anyway, i'm not sure I think its a good idea putting all that energy
> into a web page that would go out of date so fast, so naturally I had
> a better idea, and after explaining it someone (the first one) asked
> me to email him. Now I'm cautious of writing an email that will do no
> good if he runs out of tuits, so I'm sending this to the list.

A single web page wouldn't be that much energy but I take your point.
Any activity needs to be backed up with some sort of marketing if I dare
use that word ;-)
> What I'd like to see is a "Tested with Test::More" button sized
> image. And i'd like to see apps/modules that use Test::More or
> Test::Simple to display it via a link. The link would go to a cgi/m_p
> script that also generated a referer list (later on we can come up
> with a cunning scheme of categorisation) for projects that use
> Test::More.
> I think this would give a good start page for applications that use
> Perl and at the very least are aware of Test::More. I know this is
> only a mere fraction of what CPANTS could do, but it would be a start.

Why limit yourselves to Test::More ? I'm pretty certain that Bricolage,
mod_perl, Open Interact, RT and many others are not tested with
Test::More but they are all good examples of projects you'd want there.

Surely a "built with Perl" button would be a better start if you're
looking for an external audience ? I thought there was one but the two
linked off www.perl.org don't really do it.


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