On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 05:37:23AM -0800, Toby|Wintrmute wrote:
> Ello,
> I need to setup a message board / forum thing, and I want something that runs
> on Perl/DBI(::Pg) or Perl/Pg .. (or just a simple dirs+textfiles backend)
> Freshmeat has 187 projects listed:
> http://freshmeat.net/browse/95/?topic_id=95
> Most seem to MySQL based, or else don't specify what they use as a backend at
> all. There are an awful lot of them, and it's hard to tell what's good or not
> without trying them out.. and i don't want to spend weeks before choosing one.
> I just wondered if anyone here has some reccommendations?
> Would prefer Perl, but PHP system would be fine too.

If you insist on Perl, then Gossamer Forum - 
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/scripts/gforum/index.htm looks like the
best bet. It costs $200 for commercial use, but is free for
non-commercial use.

Otherwise, Phorum - http://phorum.org/ is meant to be good. PHP and
PostgreSQL. I've used it a bit, a version or two back, and found it to
be quite neat. No idea about potential bugs tho.

Wouldn't something like Scoop/Slash/Squishdot/... do you okay? Or
something based on Midgard?

> ta,
> Toby


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