* David Cantrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 25, 2003 22:17 +0000 Joel Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe I'm silly, or maybe it's hidden upstairs, but I've never noticed a
> > TV in the PoH...
> That's because, like all sensible landlords, Dan keeps the fucking thing 
> turned off most of the time.  But it *will* be showing the match.

Ok, the pillars of hercules it is, i'll probably be there an hour
before kickoff (i.e. 13:00 for 14:00 kickoff) - this is partly to get
a good seat and have a beer or two but also to insulate me from the
effects of forgetting that the clocks have gone forward.


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Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/
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