On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Peter Sergeant wrote:

> > If your code issues 
> > warnings, it's wrong.
> It is? Warnings are just that: warnings. Information to make you sit up
> and say 'is that what I meant to do'? If your code doesn't compile, it's
> probably wrong, whether or not it issues warnings is irrelevant.

This is horribly remeniscent of the argument, "It compiled, so it must 
run". Warnings are things that tell you when you did something you 
shouldn't. If you're aware that you're deliberately doing such a thing, 
then you should disable the particular warning for a small portion of the 
code where you do that thing.

Odd, this is the same "correctness" argument from firewalling applied to
correctness of code: Deny everything which could be bad for you, then
allow what you explicitly want. But nobody would argue the point in the 
case of firewalls. Why do so just because it's correctness of code that's 
at stake? Code is seen as "less critical" somehow? Less subject to the 
same stringent measures of correctness? Even when 99% of the time, a code 
error will have a far greater effect than a hole in a firewall.



Shevek                                    http://www.anarres.org/
I am the Borg.                         http://design.anarres.org/

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