On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 12:10:51PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> After eliminating bots and everything under 0.1%, my logs give me 
> Gecko+KHTML at 17% and IE5+ at 83%. The rest doesn't exist. This means you 
> can reasonably start thinking about XHTML 1.1 Strict with some good CSS (as 
> eg w3.org).

But surely that's because the elite lynx and w3m[*] users 
(a) d/load only the index.html (not the 75 images) then
(b) leave, vowing never to come back to a site that doesn't work.

It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy ... try using e.g.
http://www.pcworld.co.uk/ in anything except IE for a taster:
- lynx and w3m: no chance
- NS7: links don't work then crashes
- Moz1.2: hangs
- Konqueror: "tabbed" areas aren't visible then the tabs disappear

Class act -- I won't be back there again. So in their logs everything 
except IE "doesn't exist" :-(

[*] insert non-IE browser of choice
Chris Benson

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