On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 01:14:41PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Isn't that the reason why we're supposed to be using the funky new
> features? 

Table-less, yes. Complicated layouts which rely on pixel perfect 
alignment and nasty layered menus and popups or over reliance on 
javascript, no.

Is the reaosn why places like Argos.co.uk b0rk popup pages saying "Your 
browser is not supported, go away, we're not even going to let you try 
looking at stuff" because they could somehow be legally liable if 
something goes wrong during a transaction or something (or a browser 
renders a price wrongly) or just because they're clueless assh0l3s?


it's a short link to a dead king

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