Inspired by a link in last week's NTK (which I just got around to reading)
for "Puerile Google Source Code", I decided to see what the most common words
used after "or die" in source code listings are. The clear leader is
"error", with 3,760 hits, being the Right Sort Of Thing To Do. Here's the
rundown for other messages.

oops                    261
problem                 164
ouch                    33
shit                    23
uh-oh                   16
serious {whatever}      15
damn                    11
whoops                  11
yikes                   8
warning                 7
crap                    5
oh no                   5
fuck                    3
bugger                  1
eek                     1 (from our very own Chris Ball)
oh dear                 1
oh shit                 1

$x='4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c'#                    Earle Martin
.'206861636b65720d0a';for(0..26){print #  
chr(hex(substr($x,$y,2)));$y=$y+2;}    #

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