
On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 07:45, Ian Watkinson wrote:
> I have a list of hosts, that I need to get whois information on, so I turned to my 
> trust perl, and tried to get  Net::Whois::RIPE working.
> However, I can get the whois header information, and I can get results, but it seems 
> to not work for all hosts.
> For example I can put a host of whois.joker.com and get info from joker, but not 
> info on stuff not from joker.
> What I am ideally looking for is something in perl that provides me with the sme 
> funcionality as the normal system command whois, as a bare minimum.
> If I can do something like 
> Use:Clever::Module 
> $hostiwant;
> $fieldiwant;
> $ExpirtyDate = Clever::Module->$hostiwant($fieldiwant);
> If anyones done anything like this, or even got  Net::Whois::RIPE working for 
> .com .net .edu .co.uk etc, then please let me know.
> Thanks.
Please Note: Some Quantum Physics Theories Suggest That When the
Consumer Is Not Directly Observing This Product, It May Cease to
Exist or Will Exist Only in a Vague and Undetermined State.

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