On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 05:48:22AM -0500, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
> > I suspect i get called heretical for this, but I actually prefer to use
> > threads when it comes to these things. 
> > a) better memory efficiency
> > b) easier and more advanced control over queueing and message handling
> > c) added bonus for you - no more reaping! :)
> a + b + c = sounds great.

I'm not sure how big a win threads would be in this instance, if any. Most
threading libraries are fork()-based anyway - Linux doesn't have 'threads'
natively, but a very fast fork() implementation. (Solaris does have threads
I believe, not sure about the BSDs).

Scalability of pre-forking servers isn't something I'm really up on, but one
thing I can think of would be the amount of shared information - if there
are big shared data structures, and they are written to, then you're going
to get some biggish copy-on-write bursts. 

vmstat might give some good clues as to where the pressure it - it does
sound like memory pressure from the description, though.



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