> Cool.. Dynamically adjusting number of clients based on load works well too,
> as you've said below. 
> Best method for checking load on Linux, without incurring much system time, is
> to open /proc/loadavg and read that. If you seek to start of file and re-read(),
> you get the updated loadavg, so you don't need to close and reopen it.

Thanks for the tip ...

> Do you think your server should be doing better than it is?

Yes ... during development I actually tested it with spawning 100
processes for each search query ... and I could run a few queries in 
parallel so it should be able to handle more.

> If you don't mind making it public, can I ask what the spec of the machine is,
> and what sort of performance you're getting?

Not at all. It's Red Hat Linux 7.3, 1 GIG of RAM, single 1.3 Ghz processor
and a single IDE drive.

> Another thing -- Are your processes doing a single task per instance?
> Could you convert the workers to process (serially) multiple requests? This
> would save on instantiation costs, which can be substantial.

Cool idea ... I may try this next.

> I've created systems using shared pipes like that before. works ok, remember
> to turn on autoflush thou :)

I've just put a pipe reading server into production ... it is handling the 
load better than any of the previous servers ... I've stripped out the 
flocking too - the server is now coping - subject to the load limiter - 

One advantage of the pipe is I can GZIP it as it goes ... server survival 
is the first thing though .... time for a beer too! :-)

Thanks for all the tips and help,


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

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