On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:10:50PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The reason I'm sending you this message is two. As the people I talked to
> at the last meeting know I'm a Perl n0obie I wonder if you can with Perl
> make an URL entered with the bleeping www. entered.
> e.g. enter www.domainname.org redirects to domainname.org

Try something like this in your apache config,

        ServerName www.paulm.com

        RedirectPermanent / http://paulm.com/
        TransferLog /dev/null

Make sure you have an A record for your domain. (If you don't know how
to do that, ask your DNS admin or

$ host paulm.com
paulm.com               A


Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"If I sat on a monkey, then your a virgin."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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