the hatter wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, David H. Adler wrote:

*Metatron (Alan Rickman) <,%20Alan>*: You
people! If it hasn't been made into a movie, it's not worth knowing
about, is that it?

The question is, did you quote that *because* of the reference to
golgotha, or was that just a coincidence...

I'm guessing that the golgotha line was because it was a followup to a post mentioning serendipity, which then really left no choice but a 3rd line from the same source.


Especially because "serendipity" is a (fairly) common concept for coincidences and assorted entities that are not selma hayek. So if someone says "serendipity" and a bunch of neurons labelled "Dogma" light up, Metatron (Rickman)'s rant is very relevant.

(It wouldn't have worked if the golgothae turned up first, because shitd are not as useful or frequently installed as serendipity). (You could probably count google hits for each. I would, but apathy forbids).

To paraphrase the matrix - "Do not try and bend geek culture. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize [sic] the truth... There is no geek culture".


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