On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 06:11:33PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Toby Corkindale wrote:
> >Given XALAN java, XALAN C++, GNOME libXSLT, and Pure Perl XSLT, which 
> >would you
> >choose to work with from Perl, and why?
> Xalan Java is slow, and to use it from Perl would require shelling out or 
> bridgin from Inline::Java, neither of which are nice.
> Xalan C isn't, to the best of my knowledge, bridged to Perl. So again, 
> shelling out or XS/Inline::C. Not nice.


It is supported directly; i don't know how well it works though.

> "Pure Perl XSLT", aka XML::XSLT is incomplete and broken. And slow. Just 
> don't go there.
> XML::LibXSLT is fast and already bridged. It also probably has the highest 
> user-share. I'd call it your only solution.

That's the one I have initially started using. So far so good; as everyone
else seems to think it's a goer, I'll stick with it.

Out of interest, does anyone know how it performs compared to the MS/IIS/XML
combo? (Since a solution based upon that is basically the main competitor to
my effort)



Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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