On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> Ha`s anyone used a Telewest modem and had problems having it play nicely
> with Linux?

Yes and No. My Smoothwall runs just fine.
> I'm wondering if the modem is rejected the MAC of the linux box while
> the Windows's box's lease is still in effect or something bizarre like
> that.
> Anyone got a clue here?

You're pretty much correct. I've found that switching the modem off, then 
swapping the machine and powering up with the new nic in place does the 

Their hinder^Whelp pages suggest releasing the dhcp lease before doing 
that but I've never found it necessary. 'ipconfig /release' on a win2k 

You know that you can register MACs directly via the webshite ?

Check with the working machine and have a look at 

You'll need the username and password that they sent you when you signed 
up. It's *much* quicker than talking to the helldesk !


"Oh no, not again."

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