Redvers Davies wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 12:50, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:

Elaine just used the term 'quid' a few emails ago, and now Jonathan. Could someone please explain what is a 'quid'?

A quid is another word for a pound (UKP).

One of the things that I found hardest to explain to Tracy was when you
do and don't use it.  You can't use it interchangably, just for certain

Hmm, sounds like Acme::Quid to me.

Interesting. And what such a module would do? Monetary conversions, maybe?

  pony     <==> (monkey|quid|shilling|penny)
  monkey   <==> (pony|quid|shilling|penny)
  quid     <==> (pony|monkey|shilling|penny)
  shilling <==> (pony|monkey|quid|penny)
  penny    <==> (pony|monkey|quid|shilling)

And maybe we could (verbalize|de-verbalize) monetary ammounts, like

  ACME::Quid->verbalize( '1 quid', 'quid' ); would return 'one quid';
  ACME::Quid->verbalize( '1 quid', 'penny' ); would return
'two hundred and forty pennies';

and so on...

  Luis Campos de Carvalho
  Computer Scientist,
  Unix Sys Admin & Certified Oracle DBA

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