On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 02:57 PM, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:

Andy Wardley wrote:
Toby Corkindale wrote:
I'm not convinced Perl is the best language to implement such things.
Why not?  Performance concerns or something else?
That's a serious question by the way, not just me being provocative.

I think that Perl is not that good on number crunshing.
Maybe you should look at fortran (old and good!) or some number-crunshing-specialist tool.

on the other hand, perl is excellent for use as glue between number crunching tools written in compiled languages. you do all the heavy lifting in C or fortran, then recombine your heavy lifting in many different ways with application logic in perl.

especially good if you need to dump the results of your number crunching into a database (DBI is much easier than most C interfaces) or get the input data from a text file (perl is da bomb for string handling).

in fact, a friend of mine recently wrote XS bindings for a C++ neural net library, and was talking about putting them on CPAN, i'll have to check on that.

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