On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Robert Shiels wrote:
> Noticed that a London PM member was published, briefly, in the Independent
> today. Haven't seen Aaron Trevana for some time...
> http://news.independent.co.uk/digital/features/story.jsp?story=424830

yeah, I also mentioned that you *could* switch applications between
desktops but somebody else put more tersely (although they gave KDE
specific instructions while I pointed out that all wm's allowed you to do
it somehow).

I made probably about half the points printed by other people too, but as
is often they tended to but it either better or less verbosely.

note to self : journalists prefer short and over-simplified to accurate
information... should know this by now.



Aaron J Trevena - Perl Hacker, Kung Fu Geek, Internet Consultant
AutoDia --- Automatic UML and HTML Specifications from Perl, C++
and Any Datasource with a Handler.     http://droogs.org/autodia

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