On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 11:00:48PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 05:13:25PM -0400, Mike Jarvis wrote:
> > Ok, so I've got an odd problem.  Program compiles and runs just fine
> > on my machine with 5.8, upload it to the ISP's machine (BSD
> > with 5.005.03) and I get a compile error. It's a huge PITA to get
> > the error, since I don't have shell access, but the admins ran perl -c
> <unhelpful>
> Your ISP is:
>       * running 5.005
>       * not providing error logs
>       * not providing shell access
> I'd say the compile error is the least of the problems here :-/

They swear they're upgrading RSN, when BSD (Free? Open? Whichever.)
does.  They only run stable from their distro, and it's hard to fault
an ISP for that.  

They do provide access to the error logs, but compile errors don't
make it in.  Drat.  Now that I think of it I could have done something
clever like have a cgi that runs perl -c on it myself.

As for shell access, it's hard to complain about $7.77/mo for 45GB
xfer.  The old perl is my only complaint, and it's supposed to be
fixed in the next month or two.  

> FWIW, try: my $max = scalar(@name) - 1;
> And make sure there are no "weird" characters in the source file.

That fixed it. I owe you several beers.  Thanks.


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