Lusercop <`the.lusercop'> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 01:11:21PM +0000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 18:21:34 -0400, Mike Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > They swear they're upgrading RSN, when BSD (Free? Open? Whichever.)
>> > does.  They only run stable from their distro, and it's hard to fault
>> > an ISP for that.  
>> That's a pretty lame excuse.  It's very easy to disable the builtin perl
>> and run a newer version from ports in FreeBSD.
> I'm sorry, but although the following 2 lines of yours are easy, apart from
> the minor issue with locating this "use.perl" script of yours...

use.perl is installed as part of the port.  It's not mine.

>>     % sudo portinstall lang/perl5.8
>>     % sudo use.perl port
>> You still have to remove the system perl bits, but that's pretty easy:
>>     1.  Put "NOPERL=yes" in /etc/make.conf, to ensure a make world won't
>>     overwrite everything.
> Easy, and maintainable, agreed.
>>     2.  Delete /usr/share/libdata/perl, and the following programs from
>>     /usr/bin (you may also wish to delete the man pages from
>>     /usr/share/man/man1):
> [31 lines deleted]
> I wouldn't be happy with doing this. I could easily imagine it breaking
> something when I least expect it. Certainly I don't think it's useful to
> get rid of the 5.005 and 5.00503 suffixed binaries.

That's really your choice.  You can choose to not do this step.  I do it
because I'm happy to live with the consequences and I prefer to not have
two versions of perl sitting around.

>>     3.  You'll probably want to symlink /usr/bin/perl to
>>     /usr/local/bin/perl.
> That again is fine, because:
>:; ls -li /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl5 /usr/bin/perl5.00503 
> 16139 -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  10168 Mar 14 21:25 /usr/bin/perl
> 16139 -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  10168 Mar 14 21:25 /usr/bin/perl5
> 16139 -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  10168 Mar 14 21:25 /usr/bin/perl5.00503

Sorry, I'm missing the point here.

> I had some bad experiences with the OpenSSL and OpenSSH ports in their
> replace the base system version modes. This has made me wary of replacing
> functionality in the base system from the ports.

I'm curious, what sort of bad experiences.  I've not needed to replace
either of the above, although it'd be useful to know for the future...


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