* Chris Heathcote ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Can anyone remember the trial of lager served below freezing? The glass 
> was sprayed with water and rotated, and the beer was served below 
> freezing under pressure. Ultrasound was used to stop it from freezing 
> completely, but the beer did have ice crystals in. Can't find a link. 
> Bah. I remember it being about 4 quid a pint in Richmond...

Yip, I believe the last time we had a meeting in penderels oak they
had this on trial, unfortunatly they choose a fairly shit lager to do
it with so while having it that cold was good it still didn't inspire 
you to have more.

And before one of you beardy weirdy, raving CAMRA 'old guzzlers drollop
beer is especially fine due to the authentic gerbil droppings' lunatics
chirp in, you can get good lager, you just have to go to Germany to get
it. ;-)


Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/
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