On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 03:01:18AM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> Are there any free tools for extracting tables etc from MS Access
> databases? I'm not looking for ODBC connections to Access installations,
> rather actual parsing+dumping tools so I can re-import into say Pg.
> Closest I've found is http://www.csrobins.com/mdb2txt.htm which
> unfortunately is a closed Windows program. It doesn't quite seem to
> work with Wine, popping up a usage dialog each time it's run (mailed
> the author).

I have similar needs: to export data from an access database and generate
web pages with that data using perl on a Unix. I've found XML Converter
from http://rustemsoft.com that can export a whole Access database to XML,
which I've then copied to the Unix host and parsed using Perl and XML.

It might not fit your needs, but I've found the approaach "good enough".


We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- London.pm strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

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