On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 12:18:22PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> >http://leo.cuckoo.org/projects/SVG-Graph/examples/
> Very nice :) I am right now working on a long series of benchmarks, which 
> need to be presented in SVG and PNG. You are saving me from having to write 
> this module ;)

Great :)

I've found that batik (http://xml.apache.org/batik/) converts SVG to 
 PNG very well, all the Perl (ImageMagick for example) conversions
don't give you anything like the quality (loose a lot of the style
sheet info) of the origional.

Bar graphs will be ready sometime later today or tomorrow.

I'll post to the list when they are done.

I've got to double check with da' management about putting the
module on CPAN (don't think it'll be a problem) and want to give others 
more time for feedback about the name space, but I'll keep the version on 
my site up to date.



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