On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> That doesn't answer your question directly, but I think that the opposition
> fragments because different people object to different levels on the above
> list of possibilities

Indeed. My own oppostion stems from two, not entirely unrelated themes.

1. I have seen no evidence that it will be any harder to obtain an
identity card than it currently is to obtain a passport. So it's benefit 
in reducing benefit fraud etc is minimal at best and certainly doesn't 
seem to justify the extreme cost.

2. The governments ability to deliver large scale IT projects is almost 
zero. Time after time major projects have failed and this will be the 
largest IT project undertaken by central government. It is almost certain 
to fail too, wasting tens or hundreds of millions of pounds of our money.

On a conceptual level I have no particular problem with carrying an id 
card. Do I trust the government to get it right and to protect my data ? 
Not a bloody chance !


"Death or plumbing?"

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