On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Iain Tatch wrote:

> Only in Monotheistic religions, and the only one of those that's got any
> substantial following in this country is Judaism. One of my favourite
> Christian-baiting tactics (when I'm in that sort of mood) is to put
> forward my proposition that they have a pantheon of gods.

Christianity is a derived form of Judaism. It teaches that there is one 
God and that's it. 

> For a start there's the three they get into enough trouble with just by
> admitting their existence: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit (whatever that is).

One being - three persons.

> Then you've got a couple of other major deities such as the Virgin Mary
> (especially revered in Catholicism) and Satan, and a host of minor gods
> who they usually name "saints".

Neither is a God. Mary is human and that's it. She is revered as an 
example (as are the saints).

Satan is just a messanger whose gone "off message". His name, Satan, means 
accuser and that's basically what he does according to Christian teaching 
- he accuses us before ourselves and God.

All very simple. ;)

It's also all very beside the point.

Jason Clifford
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