On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 05:12:24PM +0100, Peter Sergeant wrote:

>       o  I'm not ready to start straight blocking email from IPs in a RBL
>       o  Spammers operate on the margins - if I can push up their costs just
>            a little by tying up their mail-sending application, great
>       o  The server doesn't recieve a huge volume of email...
>       o  Except from mail15, mentioned previously
> Any thoughts welcomed...

To protect against dictionary attacks, do any of the standard MTAs let you
configure them to slow down (or drop the SMTP connection) after sending
a 550 message for a user not known?

I keep thinking that forcing the buggers to reconnect whenever they are
attempting such a thing is quite likely to tie them up, whilst not harming
regular mail traffic. (given that I'd infer a dictionary attack is going to
be at least 95% user not known 550s, and regular mail is going to be
at least 95% user known)

Nicholas Clark

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