Paul Makepeace wrote:
Je 2003-09-16 15:37:49 +0100, David Cantrell skribis:
return 0->reason(ERR_BAD_PARAM)->details('foo')
 unless($params{foo} && $params{foo}->isa('Foo'));
WTF is that?! If I saw this in a forest I'd shoot it first, assuming it
was more likely going to kill me than not.

Something which makes perfect sense when read in conjunction with the documentation. What, exactly, do you find difficult about it?

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

  It would be reasonable to judge cannabis less of a threat to health
  than alcohol or tobacco ... this should be borne in mind by social
  legislators who, disapproving of other people's indulgences, seek
  to make them illegal.
        -- The Lancet, Volume 352, Number 9140, 14 November 1998

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