On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 06:33:34PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:

> I've added 3 more colour schemes (light brown, teal and purple) for those
> who find the orange a bit too garish.  I've also added a print stylesheet.


Whilst we fully support "there's more than one way to do it", the availability
of different hues of orange should provide more than enough alternatives. :-)

> I kept the design as fixed width because making a fully fluid layout proved
> to be too much of a PITA for the time I had available.  However the "Go 

But anyone who desires a fully fluid layout can download the current source
[  svn co https://london.pm.org/svn/website-shiny/  IIRC ]
and then submit patches. And then everyone will be happy. All of the time*

Nicholas Clark

* Your mileage may vary. Warranty not valid in some universes. Emotions are sold
  by weight not volume, and may have settled in transit.

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