2008/12/14 Andy Wardley <a...@wardley.org>:
> But these days, it's considered "officially" OK to assume that 1024x768 is
> the lowest common denominator for screen width, which gives you a nicely
> sized
> bit of content-space to play with.  Making it fluid upwards of that tends to
> result in wide wide columns that are hard to read.  So although I used to be
> staunchly anti-fixed width, I guess I've now been swayed towards them.

Can I please point out (if just for my own personal feeling of
self-justification), that no, it isn't always appropriate to do this?

On ultra-portable netbooks (like my Eee) and on mobile phones, this
sort of approach can make navigation impossible.

If you could guarantee that full-blown machines would be all  that was
ever used, maybe. But this is simply not true. Plus the dot pitch is
different, which can really screw up some layouts.

No train here, but still:
The sign says: "Ready to Leave"
Normal service, yes?

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