On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 02:08:57PM +0100, Philip Newton wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 13:43, Abigail <abig...@abigail.be> wrote:
> > The professor [1] who taught us Pascal in university treated ';'s to
> > *start* statements with:
> >    BEGIN do_this
> >        ; do_that
> >        ; more_things
> >        ; yada_yada_yada
> >    END
> Ah, yes - I've seen that style before, too, though seldomly.
> And, recently, a similar thing in SQL:
>   this
>   , that
>   , theother
>   tablename
>   , othertable
> ...

See also http://search.cpan.org/~domizio

I hate it, because ; was what you used to start a comment in an
assembler I used many years ago.

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

  Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla.

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