On Sep 17, 2009, at 00:47 , David Cantrell wrote:
Uri Guttman wrote:
brian d foy autoposts FAQ entries to comp.lang.perl.misc and they get
read and feedback is given to some of them. bdf has updated them as he can when good stuff is posted about an entry. yes, many FAQs are sadly dated but many have been improved. they won't get integrated until the
next (sub)release or so. if there is a better place to autopost them
(here? :), tell him. i also have some code that will automail faq
entries so i can spam here. plenty of perl hackers here with obviously
nothing else to do! :)

An occasional post here would probably be OK. Not more than one a week
or so though.

It could be FAQ Friday. I like that.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/

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