On 25 Nov 2009, at 11:53, Abigail wrote:

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:32:49AM +0000, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
I'm planning to attend LPW, which will be my first such attendance.

Is there any likelyhood of some sort of pub meetup perhaps, the day
before? A chance to get to see a few faces beforehand?

If not, I propose that there ought to be... Any takers on that idea?

My wife and I will be in London from Friday early morning till Sunday
evening. I'd be interested in a Friday evening meeting, but I won't
make promises whether I'll make it. That will depend on what we'll be
planning to do on Friday - which in itself will depend on the weather.

After chatting to Ilamari last night, I stuffed this on the wiki:


Alternative suggestions are of course welcome if anyone has strong feelings on the matter :)


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