On Feb 5, 2010, at 2:29 PM, mirod wrote:
> I figured some of you might have some information about this: I have a friend
> who owns a small company. She has a web site, with the .eu suffix, but would
> like the .com one. That domain is owned by someone in the UK, who is not using
> it (its parked on a US server that seems to advertise it as for sale). They 
> are
> offering to sell the domain... for several thousand pounds. Actually they 
> first
> wanted to sell it for that amount, then said that someone else was interested 
> in
> buying it and that even at that price they could not sell it.
> My friend owns the trademark for the name in Europe, the US and Asia. It is a
> very distinct name and a Google search on the name returns only hits related 
> to
> her product.
> So it looks like a clear case of cyber-squatting to me.
> I am not sure what she can do about it though. It seems like the only solution
> is to go to court, and there have been very few cases that went to trial.
> Does anyone have a suggestion on the course of action that might best get
> results? I fully understand that not everyone here is a lawyer (and the ones 
> who
> are probably wouldn't admit it ;--), but maybe someone has been in that
> situation before.

Considering the price of lawyers, the personal anguish, aggravation and 
duration of having to go to court, I would go for purchasing the domain if she 
really needs it that badly.  This goes against anybody's feeling of justice, 
but you really have to ask yourself if it is worth the it.

Yes, there is no justice in this world unless you are willing to put up the 
money (whether that is cash, or the time you need to spent on it that you could 
have used in any other, more fruitful manner).


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