On Feb 5, 2010, at 4:05 PM, mirod wrote:
> Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
>> Considering the price of lawyers, the personal anguish, aggravation and
>> duration of having to go to court, I would go for purchasing the domain if
>> she really needs it that badly.  This goes against anybody's feeling of
>> justice, but you really have to ask yourself if it is worth the it.
> I'll probably tell her to offer 500 pounds for it, and if they don't sell at 
> that price to just use a different domain.
> It's funny how people in different businesses react though, she designs 
> jewelry, and she really, really, hates trademark infringements. Mostly 
> because there is usually not much she can do, what with being small and all.

If it would be a co.uk domain, she could probably go to a UK court.  Since this 
is a .com domain, I think any UK judge will quickly dismiss on the grounds that 
it is an American domain, so that she should go to court in the U.S. of A.  And 
*that* will prove to become very costly very quickly indeed.


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