Maybe when you've trained people, you should pay them more, then they might 
stay...?  Oh, right, the idea was to get cheap monkeys, (oops sorry) cheap 
indians, (oops sorry) cheap foreigners, (oops sorry) cheap students to do the 
job.  Forever...?

What is it with the software industry that cheap == best.  As someone said:

        "You can have any 2 of: Quality, Performance, Price" 

Please feel free to correct the quote, (attribution to Archimedes perhaps?)


Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than AufWiederSehen!

> On 15 Jul 2011, at 16:48, Chris Jack wrote:
> > Something to be careful of is: we have lost a number of Indian juniors
> > who have got themselves trained up and then moved on to better paid
> > things.
> What happens if you train people and they leave?
> Rather, what happens if you don't train prople and they don't?
> An age-old conumdrum...

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