On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 05:06:22PM +0100, Pedro Figueiredo wrote:

> and another one I've been mulling and considering writing to submit to LPW, 
> but I'm afraid it wouldn't warrant me many friends in the L.pm community, 
> it's titled "The problem with Perl" and is basically me ranting about the 
> nice things in Java and Python that we (as in, myself until I started doing 
> serious Java and Python, and some other L.pm'ers I've talked with) just tend 
> to shrug off or don't even think about, or think they're bad but they're 
> actually not bad at all.

Sounds quite interesting TBH.

I would volunteer to jibber on at you all about unit testing, but I
ain't gonna have time to get everything read in time.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

      Good advice is always certain to be ignored,
      but that's no reason not to give it            -- Agatha Christie

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