On 11/20/2012 04:57 AM, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 5:12 PM, David H. Adler <d...@panix.com> wrote:

If memory serves, YAS didn't "become" TPF. They were separate entities,
as was Perl Mongers. At a certain point, Kevin decided he didn't want to
run YAS anymore and brian decided not to run Perl Mongers anymore

TPF also borged perlmonks, though I believe much more recently.

I'm pretty sure that TPF absorbed both Perl Mongers and Perl Monks at the same time. I remember an announcement being made at OSCON. And the only OSCONs I've been to are 2000-2002.


Dave Cross :: d...@dave.org.uk

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