I had a contract role in Switzerland where the client was happy for me to come
on board in a (largely) remote capacity. That meant some on-site work to
familiarize me with the team and the project and then shift off-site for the
majority of the work. This suited both parties.

The agency stepped in, (they'd been "unavailable" during the telephone
interview), and said there was no way I was going to work remotely for this
client, and scotched the deal. Both the client and the contractor were screwed,
and this had nothing to do with the practicalities of remote working, or
problem solving of any kind. This was simply a power broking intervention.

Solution-1: ditch the agent, work directly with the client/contractor, save
everyone some grief, and some money at the same time.

Solution-2: look at how some groups of people are trying to raise the current
and future profile of the Perl programming language instead of resting on dusty
laurels. Yes we you can learn another language, but would you really want to ?)

Solution-3: do both solution-1 and solution-2.


Richard Foley


On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:22:05PM +0100, Duncan Garland wrote:
> Hi,
> We're advertising for a Perl programmer again, and once again we are
> struggling. It's a shame because we've got quite a lot of development work
> in the offing, mostly using Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Moose and the like.
> I spoke to the agent today and asked why so few people are coming forward.
> His view was that there aren't many Perl vacancies about at the moment, and
> even fewer people are interested in them.

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