
I am happy to see that the scope of this discussion is narrowing. I think the 
scope of what your proposing is much more appropriate for discussion - but we 
are in still not in agreement.
Please see inline.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Hopps <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 4:48 PM
> To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>
> Cc: Acee Lindem (acee) <>;
> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flex Algo merge work, IS-IS and OSPF FAD sub-TLVs
> > On May 19, 2018, at 12:27 PM, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> <> wrote:
> First, please understand that my intent is to have a discussion on the subject
> of when (and when not) to use common definitions. Just because I
> enumerated a bunch of ways that that might be accomplished does not
> mean that I am advocating for all of them or any one in particular. I bet that
> we agree on many of the options not being the right way, but I wanted to list
> all the ways I could imagine doing this so that we as a group could consider
> them during the discussion.
> > Chris -
> ...
> > As we often say "this is software - we can do anything" but please tell me
> WHY this is a good thing?
> > So far the only argument seems to be that you think this make the draft
> "easier to read" - which begs the question as to whether in this particular
> case the current form of the draft (protocol specific encoding sections) is
> hard to read. It isn’t for me.
> I don't agree with the paraphrasing "easier to read". I'm saying that it's 
> better
> to define a thing in one place rather than in define it repeatedly in multiple
> places. Again this is why we have a combined document, right?
> Ah, I see where we may not be understanding each other. I am thinking
> much more about the duplicate IANA registries, not about using 2 sections
> vs. 1 section in the combined document. The registries we are talking about
> are literally copies and I'd like to not have 2 IANA registries to document 
> the
> same thing.
> > I really think you are extending the "combine the WGs" idea beyond where
> it should reasonably go.
> > It has never been a goal to combine the protocols - and once you start
> straying into trying to combine descriptions of protocol specific encoding I
> think that is exactly what you are trying to do - even if only in a modest 
> way.
> That seems like a reasonable way to think about how far we should or
> shouldn't go. So how strict would you say your view is on this "rule"? Is it
> never appropriate to make any compromise on encoding in order to be able
> to share, or is it just this case that you find "too much for too little"?
> > We have already defined combined registries in those cases where we are
> defining an attribute value that is the same for both protocols e.g., IGP
> algorithm and MSD.
> > But trying to extend that and combine the description of the protocol
> specific encoding isn’t appropriate or desirable.
> I agree! IGP algorithm is a great example, and I'm glad you agree that it was 
> a
> good idea. The content of the "Sub-TLVs of the FAD TLV" are in the same way
> shared by both protocols. The types and the values are defined exactly the
> same for both protocols. The *only* difference is the encoding of the type
> (and length) value, the semantics are the same.
[Les:] There is a qualitative difference between having a common registry to 
identify a protocol independent attribute and having a common registry to 
define a protocol scoped type value.

I appreciate that in this case we are defining a new container (FAD) which will 
have sub-containers that are applicable to both protocols. And I agree that it 
seems very hard to imagine any future sub-container which would not be 
applicable to both protocols. And I also agree that assigning the same type 
value to each sub-TLV for both protocols (now and in the future) is practical - 
and perhaps even desirable.

Nevertheless, the "type" which identifies the sub-container is a protocol 
scoped attribute.  The fact that we could use a common number in this case does 
not mean it is conceptually correct to consider the value as protocol 

Let's please keep the definitions in registries which have the correct scope - 
which in the case of TLV/sub-TLV types is per/protocol.


> So again, is there a more elegant way to define and document that shared
> semantic in one place?
> How about an option 2c
>   2c: Leave the encodings the way they are, and use a common registry to
> define the type/value semantics.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
> >   Les
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Christian Hopps <>
> >> Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 6:15 AM
> >> To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>
> >> Cc: Acee Lindem (acee) <>;
> >> Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flex Algo merge work, IS-IS and OSPF FAD sub-TLVs
> >>
> >> Hi Les,
> >>
> >> It feels like your response is perhaps reading more into my
> >> suggestion than was intended. I was in no way suggesting we go back
> >> and start combining TLV registries, or that future registries needed to be
> combined unnecessarily.
> >>
> >> I'm looking at this particular case where we have 2 copies of the
> >> same [sub- ]sub-TLV registry that we will be creating as the document
> >> is written. The OSPF definitions for the sub-TLV types are exactly
> >> the same as the IS-IS sub- sub-TLVs ones. In fact option 2 keeps the
> >> containing [sub-]TLV separate and only the [sub-]sub-TLV space is
> combined.
> >>
> >> Isn't it better to define something once and refer to that single 
> >> definition?
> >> This is the motivation that led us to combining the documents in the
> >> first place, and so I'm simply wondering if we can benefit more from
> >> this same treatment.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Chris.
> >>
> >> P.S WRT type field length of [sub-]sub-TLVs. We are *defining* the
> >> value content, so of course we can do whatever we want and no
> >> documents about other [sub-]TLV values, types or field lengths
> >> actually applies unless we wish it to.
> >>
> >> P.P.S. WRT scoping. The document defines an IS-IS sub-TLV which is
> >> scoped to the IS-IS Router Capability TLV (242) and defines an OSPF
> >> TLV which is scoped to the Router Information LSA. I think these are
> >> fairly analogous, or at least can be treated as such for
> >> [sub-]sub-TLV definitions. In fact section 5.3 treats them as equal
> >> for defining their use. I don't put this above b/c it's not something
> >> I want to distract from the general discussion and sharing the FAD [sub-
> ]TLV was only option 1 of a list.
> >>
> >>
> >>> On May 18, 2018, at 11:41 AM, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> >> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> (I never saw Chris's original email either - perhaps it was sent
> >>> during the period when delivery to the alias when compromised.)
> >>>
> >>> I am in full agreement w Acee - it is a VERY BAD idea to try to
> >>> combine
> >> protocol TLV registries.
> >>> There are many reasons for this - here are a few.
> >>>
> >>> 1)In IS-IS the scope of TLV type identifiers is the protocol - in
> >>> OSPF it is the LSA type
> >>>
> >>> 2)There are (obviously) many legacy code points which will make
> >>> consistency at best confusing
> >>>
> >>> 3)Imposing an 8 bit type on OSPF or a 16 bit type on IS-IS is simply
> >>> a non-
> >> starter.  RFC 7356 defines a non-backwards compatible way of doing
> >> this for IS-IS - but does so in a way that preserves the legacy
> >> codepoints - which seems obviously necessary. And introducing a 16
> >> bit length into IS-IS isn't sensible unless we also address the
> >> current 256 LSP number limitation (which RFC 7356 also does).
> >> Suggesting this can be usefully done in a backwards compatible way does
> not make sense to me.
> >>> I cannot imagine why OSPF would be motivated to move to a more
> >> restricted 8 bit type/length model.
> >>>
> >>> I cannot support this suggestion.
> >>>
> >>>  Les
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Lsr <> On Behalf Of Acee Lindem (acee)
> >>>> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 7:29 AM
> >>>> To: Christian Hopps <>
> >>>> Cc:
> >>>> Subject: [Lsr] Flex Algo merge work, IS-IS and OSPF FAD sub-TLVs
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Chris,
> >>>>
> >>>> Somehow, I lost the mail below and was only able to retrieve it
> >>>> from the archive. Pardon my top posting.
> >>>>
> >>>> While I believe that sharing code points for values, e.g., IGP
> >>>> Algorithm Type, is a good idea, I don’t necessarily think it is a
> >>>> good idea to merge the TLV type registries. It seems to me it would
> >>>> be a poor trade-off to impact optimal protocol encoding including
> >>>> implementation just so we can have a combined IANA registry. It is
> >>>> extremely unlikely that OSPF and IS-IS implementations will ever
> >>>> share a
> >> common TLV parsing library.
> >>>>
> >>>> Note that we did discuss this once before in the context of the
> >>>> OSPF and IS- IS Tunnel Encapsulation drafts. I'd appreciate hearing
> >>>> what other WG members feel with respect to this issue.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> Acee
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Christian Hopps <> Thu, 17 May 2018 21:07 UTC
> >>>>
> >>>> So in looking at the IANA requests inside the newly merged flex
> >>>> algorithm draft I noticed that the document is creating 2 separate
> >>>> Flex Algorithm Definition sub-tlvs Registries for IS-IS and OSPF
> >>>> with the initial content described in sections:
> >>>>
> >>>> 6.1.  ISIS Flexible Algorithm Exclude Admin Group Sub-TLV 6.2.
> >>>> ISIS Flexible Algorithm Include-Any Admin Group Sub-TLV 6.3.  ISIS
> >>>> Flexible Algorithm Include-All Admin Group Sub-TLV
> >>>>
> >>>> 7.1.  OSPF Flexible Algorithm Exclude Admin Group Sub-TLV 7.2.
> >>>> OSPF Flexible Algorithm Include-Any Admin Group Sub-TLV 7.3.  OSPF
> >>>> Flexible Algorithm Include-All Admin Group Sub-TLV
> >>>>
> >>>> They are basically the same thing (indeed the later OSPF sections
> >>>> refer back to the IS-IS sections), except for one detail AFAICT,
> >>>> the size of the type and length fields.
> >>>>
> >>>> I think we may have some options here to make this a bit more
> elegant.
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. Share the same sub-TLV structure  a. using the OSPF sub-tlv
> >>>> structure (16 bit type and 16 bit len) for both protocols  b. using
> >>>> the IS-IS sub-tlv structure (8 bit type and 8 bit len) for both
> >>>> protocols
> >>>>
> >>>> 2. Use different structure with the same type field size of the  a.
> >>>> more constrained IS-IS 8 bit size  b. less constrained OSPF 16 bit
> >>>> size
> >>>>
> >>>> 3. Define and use some generic method to define shared TLVs like
> >>>> this where the only actual difference is the size of the type and length
> fields.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 1, Creates a clean and simple standard, 1 TLV definition and 1
> >>>> sub-TLV registry.
> >>>>
> >>>> 1a, has the property that the length value in IS-IS can't normally
> >>>> exceed an 8 bit value; however, sub-TLV length values are already
> >>>> constrained beyond the field size as sub-TLVs may appear anywhere
> >>>> in
> >> the TLV.
> >>>>
> >>>> 1b, restricts both protocols to 256 types, and perhaps more
> >>>> importantly restricts the sub-TLV length to 257 octets. This is
> >>>> handled all the time in IS-IS using repeated TLVs, but not so much
> >>>> (ever?)
> >> in OSPF.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 2. Allows us to at least create a single IANA registry for the
> >>>> sub-tlv types so we aren't duplicating them and their definitions
> >>>> for each
> >> protocol.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 3. Is interesting but probably requires some work outside of this
> >> document.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> This document is serving as our guinea pig for how to merge work so
> >>>> I think it's worth spending some effort on these types of details.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> Chris.
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> Lsr mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >

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