
-----Original Message-----
From: Lsr <> On Behalf Of Acee Lindem (acee)
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 5:23 AM
To: Christian Hopps <>;
Subject: Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Call for draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-02 + IPR 

Speaking as a WG member:

I support adoption of draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-02 as infrastructure for 
flooding reduction mechanisms based on a separate flooding topology. Work on 
individual flooding reduction/topology determination algorithms can proceed in 
separate drafts.


On 2/11/19, 5:47 AM, "Christian Hopps" <> wrote:

    Hi Folks,

    We are starting a 2 week adoption call on draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-02.

    The aim of this document is to describe the problem space and standardize a 
way to signal dynamic flooding information. It does not standardize any 
specific algorithm for flooding topology creation.

    Authors please respond indicating if you are aware of any IPR related to 
this work.

    We also have another draft (draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-01) that 
started as a distributed flooding topology algorithm and morphed into that plus 
competing ideas on signaling of flooding topology information. The intent after 
adoption of draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-02 is two-fold. One, the WG can 
discuss adding any signaling ideas from this work to the adopted signaling 
draft (with proper attribution given as appropriate), and two, for the authors 
of draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-01 to publish a new document without the 
signaling portion and instead focus on their flooding topology algorithm. This 
new focused document can be considered in parallel along with the other 
algorithm work that has been proposed.

    Flooding topology creation is seen as a hard problem for which we don't 
expect a one-size-fits-all solution. Taking the steps outlined above will help 
us move forward on the solutions.

    Chris & Acee.
    LSR WG Chairs.

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